Faster and improved - bitrise-step-rustup 0.2.0

Faster and improved - bitrise-step-rustup 0.2.0

After a few tweaks and feature suggestions requested via GitHub issues, bitrise-step-rustup 0.2.0 has been released!

In this new version, the rust_version input key has been added to allow installing a specific version of the Rust Toolchain. In 0.1.x this was not possible (except for nightly),  so if your project was tied to a specific version, you'd have to run a separate script to install it. For this reason use_rustup_nightly has been removed, so if you upgrade from 0.1.x to 0.2.x please make sure to check your inputs in the Bitrise Step Editor!

Furthermore, since the existing code in 0.1.x wasn't really the best to handle this specific use case, some of the setup script has been revamped and 0.2.0 brings some performance improvements when a non stable/nightly version is selected. As a matter of fact, when selecting nightly, under the hood 0.1.x was installing the stable version first to have the toolchain self-upgrade. Now the step handles this by having the specified version installed immediately without the need for an intermediate step.

This release is now available in the Bitrise Step Library, give it a try and if you have any doubts or questions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub!

Niccolò Forlini

Niccolò Forlini

Senior Mobile Engineer